Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

#6 Dutch Israeli renewable energy conversion and storage mini symposium 13 Jan 2020 (12 Jan 17:00 - 12 Jan 17:00)

The rapidly growing amount of renewable energy is increasing the need for flexibility to keep supply and demand in balance. By converting and storing various renewable energy sources on a large scale in times of surplus production, its consumption can be shifted to moments in time when there is a shortage. The Netherlands is excellently positioned to realise large-scale storage with innovative conversion and storage technologies and infrastructure. This is particularly necessary in order to make efficient use of the rapidly growing amount of electricity that will soon be generated offshore and to prevent shortages occurring when the wind is not blowing and the sun is not shining. Israel is also developing innovative energy conversion and storage technologies, as part of its ambitious goal of utilizing renewable energies for 30% of its electricity demand by 2030.

Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) work towards achieving such goals in various directions, promoting advanced fundamental research and searching for potential applications in the field. For example, the research scope at BGU’s National Solar Energy Center of ranges from harvesting solar energy to storage, material science, optics, and surface physics. Production and utilization of renewable and alternative liquid fuels, Energy aspects in buildings and innovations in passive heating and cooling, and renewable energy systems engineering, are intensively studied in various disciplines of the Natural and Engineering Sciences. BGU also develops undergraduate and graduate multidisciplinary programs in diverse areas of sustainable resources.

The Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems (EIRES) is the Technical University of Eindhoven’s answer to the broad, multidisciplinary question that is the energy transition. EIRES facilitates the collaborative development and swift deployment of new technologies and devices by bringing together TU/e researchers working on materials, systems, and processes for energy storage and conversion.


11:00-11:05       Welcome notes

Dr. Racheli Kreisberg, Innovation Attaché, Netherlands Embassy in Israel and Israeli Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC)

Marieke Monroy, Deputy Head of Mission at Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Israel

Prof. Raz Jelinek, Vice President and Dean for Research & Development, cooperation between the Netherlands and Ben Gurion University’s Sustainable Energy initiative

11:05-11:30       Introduction to renewable energy activities at EIRES and at BGU and possible cooperation opportunities

Dr. Mark Boneschanscher, Managing Director Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems, Technical University of Eindhoven

Prof. Raz Jelinek, Vice President and Dean for Research & Development, cooperation between the Netherlands and Ben Gurion University’s Sustainable Energy initiative

11:30-11:45       Solar energy research at BGU

Prof. Iris Visoly-Fisher, Dept. of Solar Energy and Environmental Physics, Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental and Energy Research, Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Sede Boqer campus, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

11:45-12:00       Developments in solar research at TU Eindhoven

Prof. René Janssen, Molecular Materials and Nanosystems, Technical University of Eindhoven

12:00-12:15       Thermal energy conversion and storage

Prof. Yaniv Gelbstein, Dept. of Materials Eng., Engineering Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

12:15-12:30       Testing of PV in relevant conditions (PV-T)

Dr. Roland Valckenborg from TNO-SEAC

12:30-12:45       Chemistry of Energy storage

Prof. Meny Shalom, Dept of Chemistry, Natural Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

12:45-13:00       Electrocatalysis for the synthesis of chemicalsDr. Marta Costa Figueiredo, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Technical University of Eindhoven

Get in touch

  • Embassy of the Netherlands in Israel, Economic Department

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607
