Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

Innovation Opportunities

November 2023

#192 NanoScent, an Israeli Hydrogen Startup, is Looking for Dutch R&D Partners to Carry Out a Pilot Project with NL Hydrogen Companies

NanoScent, an Israeli startup that analyzes hydrogen quality, developed and validated the VOCID® H2Confirm technology – an in-line, continuous gas purity monitor for various gases (e.g., moisture, oxygen, and nitrogen) which quantifies trace levels of contaminants in hydrogen and enables real-time m...

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July 2023
June 2023
February 2023
September 2022
August 2022
July 2022

#182 The Israel startup DistanSea is looking for Dutch companies to co-develop and manufacture innovative seawater treatment systems for seafood transportation

DistanSea is an Israeli startup utilizing technology developed by a group of scientists in the Technion (The Israel Institute of Technology). The company is building dedicated containers with seawater treatment systems that will allow seafood traders to transport LIVE seafood for up to 45 days.  

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#178 Dutch companies can register to the Israeli UVID Dronetech 2022 Conference and Exhibition

The UVID Dronetech Conference is an initiative of IsraelDefense and Op-TeamUM. It aims to bring together, under the same roof, all relevant stakeholders in this sector as one holistic ecosystem, in order to discuss the most pressing issues of unmanned systems in the civil and defense sectors. N...

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June 2022
May 2022

#174 Smart Photonics is looking for companies who are interested in developing innovative solutions based on Photonics Integrated Circuits (which we could manufacture for them) in the telecom, datacom, LiDAR and broader optical sensing markets.

Smart Photonics is looking for Israeli companies who are interested in developing innovative solutions based on Photonics Integrated Circuits (which Smart Photonics could manufacture) in the telecom, datacom, LiDAR and broader optical sensing markets.

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April 2022

#173 Search for Israeli semicon and photonics SMEs interested in cooperating with the Netherlands in Photonics Chips technology

Looking for Israeli companies and research organizations active in the field of semiconductor and photonics, interested in cooperating with one the the Netherlands. Interested parties, please complete our onboarding form and briefly elaborate on your foreseen innovation co...

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#170 Looking for Israeli candidates for New Energy Challenge 2022 of Shell, Rockstart, Unknown Group, and YES!Delft, the Netherlands

The New Energy Challenge (NEC) 2022 is a Netherlands-based initiative that invites companies pioneering novel approaches to removing carbon from the atmosphere (e.g., through digital and nature-based solutions) and who want to drive forward the rapid decarbonisation needed to cool our warming planet...

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#172 Looking for Israeli companies and researchers operating in the field of quantum who are interested in co-development with Dutch counterparts

Looking for Israeli companies and research organizations active in the field of quantum computers, quantum internet and quantum sensors), interested in cooperating with one the five major quantum hubs in the Netherlands. Interested parties, please complete our onboarding form

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#160 Israeli Biotech Startup specialized in breast cancer treatment, Restart Biotech, is looking for a Dutch animal testing research partner

ReStart Biotech, an Israeli start-up with a mission to radically change outcomes of breast conserving surgery. The company developed a patent protected polymer which replaces the tumor removed during surgery. This facilitates breast tissue regrowth whilst absorbing the polymer and returning the brea...

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March 2022
February 2022

#156 Startupbootcamp is looking for the next cohort of ambitious Israeli startups and scale-ups in clean energy and climatech

Startupbootcamp is looking for the next cohort of ambitious startups and scale-ups active ready to change the world in the domains of: - Creating a more Prosperous world (SDGs 8 & 3) - Producing goods and services in a sustainable way (SDGs 9), and - Powering our lives with clean energy (SDGs...

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January 2022

#152 Modcon Systems is looking for Dutch Assisted living housing chains and Gerontology departments of the universities for R&D pilot projects

Modcon Systems is looking for Dutch assisted living housing chains and university gerontology departments to carry out an R&D pilot: Evaluation of how a contactless vital signs monitoring system can be integrated as a self-assessment tool and a first point of contact for telemedical support in assis...

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#153 Modcon Systems is looking for Dutch hospitals and medical departments of the universities for 3 pilot R&D projects

Modcon Systems is looking for Dutch hospitals and medical departments of the universities for 3 pilot R&D projects: 1) Study of the statistical correlations between the measured vital signs and various diseases diagnoses. 2) Contactless Vital Signs assessment as the first point of contact in eme...

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December 2021
October 2021

#149 Looking for Dutch Ph.D. students and PostDocs specializing in design of de novo antibodies using AI and computational biology and interested in relocating to Israel

If you hold a PhD or master’s degree with an outstanding track record or strong interest in the fields of computational biology, bioinformatics, or antibody engineering, we invite you to apply with a project proposal for a position in AION Labs’ startup team

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#148 Looking for Israeli startup companies, universities, healthcare institutions, active in the field of AI and dementia to compete at the World Jain Challenge (WJC)

Looking for Israeli developers, companies, universities, healthcare institutions, healthcare professionals active in the field of AI and dementia who want to participate at the World Jain Challenge (WJC). WJC will take place 23-24 March 2022.

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#145 Biobeat, an Israeli remote patient monitoring (RPM) startup, is looking for Dutch hospitals and health-related organizations to setup pilot and demonstration projects

Biobeat, an Israeli startup, is interested in developing business oriented collaborations (i.e., implementations, pilots, sales) with Dutch entities active in remote patient monitoring (RPM), such as hospitals, insurance companies, distributors, telehealth providers and pharmaceutical companies.

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September 2021

#143 Seeking Dutch Companies Adapting to Arid climates to take active part at Merage International DeserTech Competition 2021

Dutch companies operating in the water, agriculture, infrastructure, and energy sectors, are welcome to join the Merage International DeserTech Competition 2021 to present their innovative solutions for desert challenges: extreme climate, water scarcity, land degradation and remote living.  Appli...

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July 2021

#142 Israeli green hydrogen company Electriq Global is looking for a Dutch consultancy firm in the field of safety and environmental regulations processes

The Israeli green hydrogen company Electriq Global is interested in building a chemical depot in the Netherlands and in obtaining a Dutch permit. To realize this, the company is looking for a Dutch consultancy firm in the field of safety and environmental regulations processes.

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June 2021

#141 Technion is looking for Dutch partner/s to apply for the EIC Pathfinder Challenge: Novel routes to green hydrogen production

Technion – Israel Institute of Technology professors Avner Rothschild and Gideon Grader are looking for Dutch partner/s to compete for the EIC Pathfinder Challenge: Novel routes to green hydrogen production, due on 27.10,2021.Technion – Israel Institute of Technology professors Avner Rothschild and...

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#138 Israeli company specializing in energy management solutions aims at joining Horizon Europe consortium addressing HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-03 call for proposals

Panoramic Power Ltd. (now part of Centrica Business solutions), an Israeli company that specializes in energy management solutions, is interested in joining applying for the HEU cluster 5 call: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-03: System approach to achieve optimised Smart EV Charging and V2G flexibility in m...

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#139 Dutch DSO alliance is looking for Israeli innovative technology to manage changes in demand, supply or a high voltage grid failure

Three Dutch distribution grid operators; Stedin, Alliander and Enexis are scouting for Israeli technology that can handle and monitor changes in electricity demand, supply or a high voltage grid failure. The technology should be a proven solution, applicable for the Dutch energy grid ​and meet the D...

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May 2021

#137 1st Israeli-UAE international conference on Water and Food Security is open to Dutch participants June 13-16 2021

The 1st Israeli-UAE international conference on Water and Food Security is a joint initiative between Israel and UAE. The organizers are inviting companies and attendees from the Netherlands to join other international participants, such as leading planners , technology and solution providers, cons...

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#136 Looking for Israeli candidates for New Energy Challenge 2021 of Shell, Rockstart, Get in the Ring and YES!Delft, the Netherlands

The New Energy Challenge (NEC) is a Netherlands-based initiative that invites European and Israeli entrepreneurs operating in the renewables and new energy solutions spaces to share their game-changing solutions that will shape the energy system of the future. Organized by Get in the Ring, Rockstart...

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April 2021

#134 Dutch Money Laundering (ML) /Terrorism Financing (TF) startup is looking for R&D cooperation with Israeli startups companies and universities

Money Laundering (ML) /Terrorism Financing (TF) investigations is much more than workflows and documentation. Regxsa’s platform, Alexis, offers holistic ML/TF investigation possibilities (across products, payments, trades etc.), offering better insights, increasing efficiency and catching smart crim...

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March 2021
February 2021
January 2021

#119 Israeli organizations can apply to join WETSUS, the European centre of excellence for sustainable water technology

Israeli organizations can apply to join WETSUS, the European centre of excellence for sustainable water technology, in order to get access and be part of the R&D projects in the field of water. The annual fee is 30,000 Euros and the engagement is at least for 4 years. Israeli organizations can ap...

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December 2020

#117 Search for Israeli partner to join H2020 Green Deal consortium applying for the LC-GD-6-1-2020 call

A consortium with a proposal that is almost fully prepared for submission under call TOPIC LC-GD-6-1-2020, Subtopic D: “Reducing the dependence on the use of antimicrobials in animal production and in aquaculture”, is looking for additional partners. One of the existing partners is Wageningen Univ...

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#116 Israeli coordinator is looking for Dutch electrolyzer manufacturer to apply for the H2020 Green Deal LC-GD-2-2-2020 call for proposals

An Israeli leading energy entity, is planning on applying for H2020 funding under the H2020 Green Deal LC-GD-2-2-2020 call for proposals as coordinator. The Israeli coordinator developed an inter-disciplinary consortium of public and private organizations, such as electricity and fuel companies as w...

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November 2020

#112 CyberMed, an Israeli startup, is looking for Dutch hospital design partners for development of an intelligent radiologic technologist workflow solution

CyberMed helps healthcare providers give personal and efficient real-time imaging services to reduce costs and meet regulations. The solution is built for radiologic technologists and monitors imaging workflows at the point of care (RIS, modality, PACS); the critical juncture connecting the pre-exam...

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October 2020

#107 H2020 Green Deal Area 5: Israel is looking for Dutch consortium partners for Green airports and ports as multimodal hubs for sustainable and smart mobility

CEOs and senior researchers from Israeli (startup) companies and academia are looking for Dutch partners to jointly submit proposals to H2020 Green Deal Area 5: Green airports and ports as multimodal hubs for sustainable and smart mobility (ID: LC-GD-5-1-2020). The EC contribution is 100 Million Eur...

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September 2020
July 2020

#103 Registration to 1st virtual hydrogen course given by the Netherlands Energy Delta Institute (EDI) to Israeli industry, academia and public sector is open

Focus: In this online interactive seminar of 2 modules in two subsequent days you will get a concise overview of the hydrogen value chain and learn about the latest developments, international cooperation, and funding opportunities. Course organizers: Energy Delta Institute (EDI), the Netherlands,...

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#102 INNOVISION 2020: Call for Dutch Innovation Ecosystems to participate in the prestigious ecosystem award show

The global InnoVision Ecosystem Awards are a celebration of innovative ecosystems around the world, annually showcasing achievements made and applied internationally. This year's InnoVision event will be held digitally on October 13th within the DLD Sync Tel Aviv 2020 event and broadcasted worldwide...

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#101 First virtual Hydrogen masterclass for Israeli researchers and companies, co-organized by the Netherlands Energy Delta Institute and the Netherlands Innovation Network in Israel

We are offering the first virtual Hydrogen masterclass, which is developed by the Dutch Energy Delta Institute, the Israeli Dutch Innovation Center at the Netherlands Embassy in Israel and the Netherlands Innovation Network of the Netherlands Ministry of Economy and Climate Change. The course is...

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June 2020

#99 virtual speaking engagement at Cybertech Global - Cybersecurity for the Healthcare Sector

On July 16th, 2020, a special digital edition of Cybertech Global - Cybersecurity for the Healthcare Sector, will take place. We are looking for a senior representative from the healthcare sector in the Netherlands, who is responsible for cyber, to speak at this event. Specifically, we are refer...

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#94 Mezuro, a Dutch startup company, is looking for Israeli R&D partners for further development and implementation of a novel way to predict outbreaks of COVID-19 using mobility and dwelling information based on mobile telecom network data

Mezuro, a Dutch startup company, is looking for Israeli R&D partners, Israeli Mobile Network Operators and the Israeli government to further develop and implement a novel way to predict outbreaks of covid-19. The R&D project focuses on the use of mobility and dwelling information based on mobile tel...

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May 2020

#90 Tishrei Diagnostics, Israel, is looking for Dutch partners for clinical trials for rapid detection of bacterial antibiotic susceptibility

Partnership objectives: We are looking to communicate with professionals working in the field of clinical bacteriology for the purpose of better understanding their needs, and improving the performance of our technology, toward developing a better solution to the problem of diagnosing the antibiotic...

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April 2020

#89 Israeli Afeka Centre for Language Processing (ACLP) searched for Dutch partners to detect COVID-19 from voice

The Afeka Centre for Language Processing (ACLP) mission is to solve speech and language related problems, using a customized approach. Our solutions employ state-of-the-art methods of automatic speech, speaker and language recognition as well as natural language processing. ACLP was founded in 20...

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#88 NL company launches AI-Based search engine to find solutions to COVID-19: IGOR^AI & IGOR^COV-19

Dutch company Findest has developed an AI-based search engine, called IGOR^AI, that goes through millions of scientific publications, patents & industry to find technologies. They have just launched a free version called IGOR^Cov-19 that is tailored to find scientific solutions for covid-19 from mil...

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#87 SOSA, Israel, offers dedicated COVID-19 programs designed to help cities, states and global corporations cope with the new reality and build resilience for the challenges to come

The global innovation company SOSA is launching new programs focusing on identifying the needs of cities, states and global corporations during the days of COVID-19, and providing them with access to the most relevant technology solutions for fast implementation. 

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Ambeent proposes an AI-based technology to track human mobility patterns and contact points of COVID-19 cases using WiFi network measurements collected via a simple  Software Development Kit (SDK) integrated into any mobile application in use.   Ambeent is looking to partner with: Government aut...

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March 2020

#83 The Institute for Renewable Energy Systems (IRES) at Technical University of Eindhoven is searching for cooperation with the Israeli energy sector

The Technical University of Eindhoven (TU/e), is at the forefront of renewable energy storage and conversion research. TU/e works in close partnership with high-tech manufacturing partners on both fundamental and applied research to achieve a radical transformation of the energy system. TU/e combin...

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#80 Searching for Dutch hospitals to share hospital data to improve early detection and deterioration of COVID-19 virus

DSG group is leading a global AI mission with hospitals to improve predictions & identify measures in order to prioritize treatments. The objectives are to * Predict deterioration risk in diagnosed COVID-19 patients * Track climate effect on symptoms development * Provide diagnostic markers...

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Get in touch

Do you need some help with extending your network in both The Netherlands or Israel. Connect with us and talk about the possibilities.

  • Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center
    Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Israel

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607

  • +972 (0) 52 9530 385
