Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

#177 Post Doc opening at the Surface Science & Diamond Thin Films Laboratory at the Faculty of Chemistry, Technion

  • Location Haifa
  • Industry Chemistry
  • Online since 2022-06-23

Prof. Alon Hoffman is looking for a Post Doc to study physical and chemical properties of polycrystalline and single crystal diamond surfaces by in-situ electron spectroscopy. The PostDoc will join the Surface Science & Diamond Thin Films Laboratory at the Faculty of Chemistry, Technion, Haifa, Israel led by Prof. Alon Hoffman. The full-time 2-year position starts July 2022.

Post Doc research topic: in the field of physical and chemical properties of polycrystalline and single crystal diamond surfaces by in-situ electron spectroscopy. In particular we are investigating the interaction of nitrogen with these surfaces with the aim to enhance their quantum sensing trough activation of near surface NV- centers.

Lab staff and infrastructure: The laboratory is led by Prof. Alon Hoffman and is well-equipped with

  • two advanced UHV systems furnished with cutting-edge electron spectroscopic facilities (XPS, UPS, LEIS, LEED, TPD and HREELS)
  • two CVD systems for diamond film deposition. 

Qualifications of applicant:

  • hands-on experience in experimental surface science or thin films
  • Ph.D. is Physics, Chemistry, Material Science

Contact person: Prof. Alon Hoffman,

, Technion, 2, , , , Haifa, 151,, 2022-06-24 00:00:00, 2022-07-31 00:00:00, 3, 1, 1, 10000, 10000, , 17, , 2, post-doc-opening-at-the-surface-science-diamond-thin-films-laboratory-at-the-faculty-of-chemistry-technion, 2022-06-23 16:53:30, 2022-06-23 16:53:30)) {"userId":2,"email":"","exception":"[object] (Illuminate\\Database\\QueryException(code: 22003): SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric value out of range: 1264 Out of range value for column 'salary_lower_bound' at row 1 (SQL: insert into `opportunities` (`title`, `status`, `kind`, `excerpt`, `description`, `organization`, `industry`, `street_name`, `street_number`, `street_number_suffix`, `city`, `country_id`, `website_url`, `opening_at`, `closing_at`, `education_level`, `full_time_equivalent_upper_bound`, `full_time_equivalent_lower_bound`, `salary_lower_bound`, `salary_upper_bound`, `societal_challenge_id`, `sustainable_development_goal_id`, `key_enabling_technology_id`, `user_id`, `slug`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (Post Doc opening at the Surface Science & Diamond Thin Films Laboratory at the Faculty of Chemistry, Technion, 3, 1, Prof. Alon Hoffman is looking for a Post Doc to study physical and chemical properties of polycrystalline and single crystal diamond surfaces by in-situ electron spectroscopy. The PostDoc will join the Surface Science & Diamond Thin Films Laboratory at the Faculty of Chemistry, Technion, Haifa, Israel led by Prof. Alon Hoffman. The full-time 2-year position starts July 2022.,

Post Doc research topic: in the field of physical and chemical properties of polycrystalline and single crystal diamond surfaces by in-situ electron spectroscopy. In particular we are investigating the interaction of nitrogen with these surfaces with the aim to enhance their quantum sensing trough activation of near surface NV- centers.

Lab staff and infrastructure: The laboratory is led by Prof. Alon Hoffman and is well-equipped with

  • two advanced UHV systems furnished with cutting-edge electron spectroscopic facilities (XPS, UPS, LEIS, LEED, TPD and HREELS)
  • \t
  • two CVD systems for diamond film deposition. 

Qualifications of applicant:

  • hands-on experience in experimental surface science or thin films
  • \t
  • Ph.D. is Physics, Chemistry, Material Science

Contact person: Prof. Alon Hoffman,

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  • Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center
    Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Israel

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607

  • +972 (0) 52 9530 385
