Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

#55 Chemelot Brightlands, Limburg, offers an innovation opportunity for Israeli companies on energy-efficient buildings

  • Location Geleen
  • Industry High-tech systems and materials
  • Online since 2019-09-05

The NL-IL innovation opportunity: Brightlands has started a new business development study where we try to find links between its core materials competence and energy-efficient buildings. Brightlands can mobilize big stakeholders, like building associations that own thousands of houses. Brigtlands institute BMC has advanced nanotechnology that controls heat flow through glass windows. At Brightlands, a test house will be built to test and certify new solutions. Israel may have similar challenges but then more from an insulation against outdoor heat perspective.

The need: The Netherlands has committed to drastic reduction of its greenhouse gas emissions and one of the sectors that has to make a contribution is the building sector. The search is for technology in especially the field of thermal insulation. Even more so technologies are needed that can be applied cost-effectively in existing buildings, because less than 1% of the housing stock is built new annually. Important aspects are high efficiency at minimal volume, and speed of application.

The Dutch infrastructure: Brightlands and the adjacent Chemelot park are home to multiple companies that recycle waste plastics and some smaller companies and the BMC institute that specialize in design of applications. The Brightsite institute has chemical recycling of waste plastic as a key area of activity.

Any Israeli company that has knowledge in the field of thermal insulation, especially if its technology can be applied cost-effectively in existing buildings, is invited to complete our alliance form found at clearly elaborating how this societal challenge is being addressed.




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  • Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center
    Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Israel

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607

  • +972 (0) 52 9530 385
